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OpenPanel 1.1.4 is out

Next Generation Hosting Panel

Deliver a VPS-like experience to your users at a fraction of the cost, with all-inclusive features such as resource limiting, and enhanced security seamlessly integrated for worry-free hosting.

The sweet spot between shared hosting and VPS.

Every OpenPanel user enjoys a dedicated and isolated environment where they can install services, define PHP limits, install new versions, and configure various components such as Redis and Elasticsearch.

Nginx or Apache web server

For each user you can choose to use Nginx or Apache web server.

Start faster, maintain easier, scale indefinitely.

Disable admin panel
opencli admin off
List Users
opencli user-list
Reset Password
opencli user-password <USERNAME> <NEW_PASSWORD>
Set nameservers
opencli config update ns1 <NAMESERVER>
View logout URL
opencli config get logout_url
List plans
opencli plan-list
Disable 2FA
opencli user-2fa <USERNAME> disable
View Backup Jobs
opencli backup-job list
List SSLs
opencli ssl-user <USERNAME>
Add a new user
opencli user-add <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> <EMAIL> <PLAN_ID>
List backups
opencli backup-list <USERNAME>
Set brand name
opencli config update brand_name <NAME>
Change PHP version for domain
opencli php-domain_php <DOMAIN-NAME> --update <PHP-VERSION>
Who owns Domain
opencli domains-whoowns <DOMAIN-NAME>
Assign IP
opencli user-ip <USERNAME> <IP_ADDRESS>
Enable Memcached
opencli user-memcached enable <USERNAME>
Change OpenPanel port
opencli config update port <NEW-PORT>
Add Backup Destination
Generate hostname SSL
opencli ssl-hostname
View Login Log
opencli user-loginlog <USERNAME>
Install new PHP version
opencli php-install_php_version <USERNAME> <PHP-VERSION>
List user domains
opencli domains-user <USERNAME>
Suspend user
opencli user-suspend <USERNAME>
Re-index backups
opencli backup-index <ID>
Get PHP version for domain
opencli php-domain_php <DOMAIN-NAME>
Check Resource Usage
opencli docker-collect_stats
Login to User
opencli user-login <USERNAME>
Restore from backup
opencli backup-restore <DATE> <USER> --all
Fix Permissions
opencli files-fix_permissions [USERNAME] [PATH]
Install ModSecurity
opencli nginx-install_modsec
100+ terminal commands

OpenCLI serves as the command line interface, enabling you to execute all actions through the terminal.

All Commands
Resource limiting
Remote backups
Service settings
Custom branding
Wheel? Already invented.

All the necessary features for running a web hosting server are integrated, eliminating the need to purchase additional software for tasks like backups, WordPress management or user isolation.

100% Control

Don’t settle for overpriced and outdated hosting panels. With OpenPanel, you maintain 100% control over your server and data at all times.


Hosting providers ❤️ OpenPanel.

OpenPanel is designed to target the specific pain points of larger hosting providers by giving top priority to security.

Limit resource usage
Restrict the number of websites, domains, or databases, while enforcing hard limits on CPU, memory, port speed, disk usage, and inodes.
Manage users and websites
Assign administrative or user roles, manage permissions, restrict access to features, and more.
Secure by default
Enable Two Factor authentification, block IP addresses per domain, control remote MySQL access and SSH access.
Match your brand
Incorporate your brand colors, limit features, configure nameservers, and more.
Monitor your server and users
Built-in features include logging user activity, visualizing website visitors, and analyzing resource usage.
Get supported by the experts
Enroll in plans that provide priority support, trainings and consulting.
View all features

Get started now!

Choose OpenPanel Enterprise or Community edition and start hosting websites in minutes.

Sign up for OpenPanel Enterprise version and offer premium features to your customers.

Go Enterprise

Get OpenPanel Community edition now and begin hosting websites within just 5 minutes.