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Version: 0.3.7

OpenPanel and FOSSBilling

OpenPanel Enterprise edition has billing integrations with WHMCS and FOSSBilling.


Whitelist FOSSBillling

Before you can setup the OpenPanel server manager in FOSSBilling, you need to first whitelist your FOSSBilling server's IP address inside of OpenAdmin interface, and enable API access.

To enable access to the FOSSBilling server's IP, first check the ip address on that server, from terminal you can run:


Login to OpenAdmin and under Settings > Firewall add the FOSSBilling server's IP under Allow IP address:

whitelist ip

Enable API access

To enable API access on OpenPanel, navigate to Settings > API Access from the OpenAdmin interface and click on 'Enable API access' button:

enable api


Download OpenPanel Server Manager

On the FOSSBilling server navigate to the directory where FOSSBilling is installed and run this command to download the latest OpenPanel Server Manager:

wget -O library/Server/Manager/OpenPanel.php

Add OpenPanel Server

Login to your FOSSBilling admin panel and go to System -> Hosting plans and servers from within the navigation bar, then click on 'New server':

new server

in the new form we need to set:

add openpanel server

  1. Name: anything that you want to identify the server
  2. Hostname: if you are using domain to access OpenPanel, add it here, otherwise add the IP address.
  3. IP: set the IP address of the OpenPanel server.
  4. Assigned IP addresses: set IP addresses that are added on OpenPanel server.
  5. Nameserver 1: Set nameserver to use for domains
  6. Nameserver 2: Set nameserver to use for domains
  7. Server manages: Select OpenPanel
  8. Username: Set OpenAdmin panel username
  9. Password: Set OpenAdmin panel password
  10. Connection port: Set to 2087
  11. Use secure connection: Yes fi you are using domain name for panel access, otherwise No

and click on the 'Add server' button.

Add Hosting Plan for OpenPanel

From your FOSSBilling admin panel go to System -> Hosting plans and servers from within the navigation bar, then click on 'New hosting plan'.

Set the name for the plan same as on OpenPanel hosting plan and click on 'Create hosting plan'.

add plan

Assign OpenPanel Server to product

From your FOSSBilling admin panel go to Products -> Products & Services from within the navigation bar, then click on the edit icon for the plan:

edit plan

Click on 'Configuration' and for Server select the OpenPanel server and for hosting plan set it to match the plan name on OpenPanel server:


Test connection

Create a new client and order the product that is configured to create OpenPanel account.

User should be able to login to their OpenPanel account:


and to reset the password:

reset password