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Version: 0.3.7


Not yet released.

🚀 Breaking changes

  • Redesigned UI: The user interface now uses Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js instead of Bootstrap, resulting in more static pages and fewer JavaScript-related bugs.
  • Automatic SSL: SSL certificates are now generated automatically when HTTPS is requested for a domain. There's no need to manually generate and reload configurations.
  • Rootless Docker: Each superuser runs their own isolated Docker container, preventing cross-container access via local Docker networks.
  • Support for Java and Ruby: The autoinstaller now supports setting up Ruby and Java applications.
  • Domain Suspension: Users can now suspend website access as needed.
  • Coraza WAF: ModSecurity has been replaced with the more modern Coraza Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Caddy Web Server: Nginx has been replaced with Caddy as the default web server.
  • Docker Contexts: Each user gets their own Docker context, allowing multi-server user management.
  • Python 3.12 for User Panel: The control panel is now built on Python 3.12, and the Docker image tag will reflect the panel version.
  • LiteSpeed Support: LiteSpeed is now supported - looking for maintainers!
  • No Storage Files: User quotas can now be increased or decreased dynamically, eliminating the need to create and mount storage files.
  • Install and Update from GitHub: OpenPanel installation and updates are now hosted and downloaded directly from GitHub.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • a lot

💅 Polish

  • storage_file is removed from plans, disk_limit is the total size for all user files including their containers.
  • Deprecated and removed OpenCLI commands: server-on_startup, files-remount, recreate_hosts, user-disk, server-stats.
  • All SSL-related opencli commands are removed: ssl-domain, ssl-user, ssl-hostname, ssl-webmail, ssl-cleanup
  • /json/show_usage_stats route is removed.
  • /api/usage and /api/usage/stats api endpoints are removed.
  • max_disk option is removed from opencli docker-limits and --apply SIZE is deprecated.
  • /var/lib/docker.img is no longer created on installation and mounted on /var/lib/docker.
  • Setting disk limits for rootful containers is no longer supported.
  • 'OpenAdmin > Services > Resource Settings' page is removed.
  • redis is now used to store user temporary sessions and data for Flask-limiter
  • opencli domains-add command now support setting document root.
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