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Version: 0.3.7


Users can create FTP sub-accounts, which share the FTP service among all users on the server. You can connect to FTP using the server IP address and the default port, 21.


By default, FTP is not enabled in OpenPanel. If you don’t see the option in your OpenPanel interface, it means the server administrator has not enabled it]. You’ll need to request them to enable FTP module before you can use it.

View users

To view FTP connection information and manage existing users—such as changing passwords, modifying their FTP path (the directory they are limited to), or deleting accounts—navigate to OpenPanel > Files > FTP.

Create user

To create a new FTP sub-account, go to OpenPanel > Files > FTP from the menu and click the Add Account button located in the bottom right corner of the screen. A new section will appear above the existing users table, where you can set the FTP username, password, and path.

add ftp user

Click the Add Account button to save your changes.


FTP sub-users must end with dot (.) followed by the OpenPanel username - example: ftpuser.openpaneluser. FTP username requirements

Change password

To change password for an FTP sub-account, go to OpenPanel > Files > FTP from the menu and click the Change Password button located next to the user. A modal will appear in which you can set new password for the user.

change ftp user password

Click the Change Password button to save.


FTP User's Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a–z), digits (0–9) and special symbols. FTP passwords requirements

Change path

To change path (directory user is restricted to) for an FTP sub-account, go to OpenPanel > Files > FTP from the menu and click the Change Path button located next to the user. A modal will appear in which you can set new path for the user.

change ftp user password

Click the Change Path button to save.

Delete user

To delete an FTP sub-account, go to OpenPanel > Files > FTP from the menu and click the Delete button located next to the user. The button will swich to text 'Confirm', click it again to confirm the deletion.