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Version: 0.3.7


Released on May 31, 2024

🚀 New features

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed 500 error on /domains/edit-dns-zone caused by the 0.1.7 update.
  • Fixed bugs with opencli admin on and opencli admin off commands.
  • Fixed bug with escaping ! character in mysql database and user names.
  • Fixed css bug in the menu that caused the OpenAdmin > Notifications link not to be shown on mobile.
  • Fixed bug with opencli report that failed to retrive MySQL version for mysql running inside docker container.
  • Fixed bug with incorect version in changelog link on OpenAdmin > General Settings > Update Preferences.
  • Fixed bug with opencli update script failing due to jq missing on OS.
  • Fixed js error on OpenAdmin > CPU & RAM Usage pages.
  • Fixed 500 error on OpenAdmin > Docker page caused by the 0.1.8 update.
  • Fixed bug with usermod when creating users via opencli user-add command.
  • Fixed bug with WHMCS module not changing user plan due to whmcs passing plan_name instead of plan_id.
  • Fixed bug with nginx default vhost file missing on account creation.

💅 Polish

Screenshots API

Starting 0.1.9, the Playwright service is no longer installed on the server for generating website screenshots. Instead, the remote screenshots API is utilized, and images are served from it. This change will conserve up to 1GB of additional disk space previously required for the Playwright service on each server. Additionally, it will decrease CPU consumption since screenshots are no longer generated locally but served from another server.

  • For new installations: By default, the API is used. Administrators can specify any other third-party API during installation using --screenshots=LINK_HERE. Alternatively, they can install the local Playwright service with --screenshots=local.
  • For existing installations: Upon upgrade, the default screenshots service will be changed from local to Administrators can modify the API by using the terminal command: opencli config update screenshots NEW_LINK_HERE, or they can keep using the existing local service using: opencli config update screenshots local.


New experimental OpenPanel FTP module is now available and allows you to create FTP sub-accounts.

Upon activation, a fresh Docker container featuring VSFTPD will be initiated, serving as a shared environment for all OpenPanel FTP sub-users. This ensures the segregation of FTP accounts from other processes and services. Even in the event of a compromise, the impact is contained within the confines of the OpenPanel user's home folder, preventing access to other services or files.

This functionality leverages the open-source OpenPanel FTP module and is currently in its preliminary developmental phase. As such, it is not enabled by default and there are no additional options available in the OpenPanel interface to facilitate the creation and management of FTP users. Currently, all configurations must be performed by the administrator via the terminal:

To install FTP on an OpenPanel server, execute the following command:

opencli ftp-setup

To create new FTP accounts:


After detailed testing, a dedicated FTP page will be introduced to the OpenPanel, enabling users to seamlessly create FTP sub-users.

Cloudflare only

Administrators can now disable direct server access and only allow access via Cloudflare proxy.

                                                          OpenPanel server
__________________________________ | | |
| | | F | |
-->| Traffic comming from Cloudflare |---------->| I | Websites |
|__________________________________| | R | |
__________________________________ | E | & |
| | | W | |
-->| Direct access to server IP |----------X| A | User services |
|__________________________________| | L | |
| L | |

To enable this feature simply navigate to OpenAdmin > Firewall and click on the Cloudfare button.

screenshot of ipset cloudflare feature

IPset Blacklists

OpenAdmin Firewall now allows Administrators to easily add blacklists to block IP addresses from known malicious sources.

This feature uses the ipset-blacklist service automating the process of fetching and blocking IPs. It's a simple yet effective way to enhance system security without manual hassle.


Default blacklists:

Administrators can add additional blacklists.

opencli faq

OpenCLI now has a new command opencli faq to display most frequently asked questions:

opencli faq command output


To enable easier updates in the future, we are gradually migrating all configuration files from /usr/local/panel/ & /usr/local/admin/ directories to the new /etc/openpanel/ directory.

This will separate configuration files in /etc/ from all the code in /usr/ and therefore no configuration files will need to be moved&restored when performing updates.

Current changes include:

  • Forbidden usernames file is now moved from: /usr/local/admin/scripts/helpers/forbidden_usernames.txt to /etc/openpanel/openadmin/config/forbidden_usernames.txt
  • FTP configuration files are stored under /etc/openpanel/ftp/users/
  • Template to prefill Plan Form is now moved from /usr/local/admin/conf/new_plan_template to /etc/openpanel/openadmin/config/new_plan_template

SSH Welcome

A welcome message is shown to administrators upon logging into the server. The message currently displays OpenPanel version, admin link and help links. In the future it will also check for OpenPanel updates and display reminders.


Custom SSH welcome message is also shown to OpenPanel users upon logging into the server. This message can be customized by the Administrator.


Prefill Plan

prefill plan screenshot

To pre-fill data into the new plan form, simply create a new file:


and set the data to be used:

"name": "Starter Plan",
"description": "Basic starter plan for new users.",
"docker_image": "apache",
"domains": 5,
"websites": 3,
"databases": 2,
"ram": 2,
"cpu": 1,
"port_speed": 100,
"disk_limit_for_docker": 10,
"inodes_for_storage_file": 500000,
"disk_limit_for_storage_file": 20

hostname flag

Install script now accepts --hostname= flag to set the provided hostname on the server and set it for accessing both OpenPanel and OpenAdmin interfaces. The hostname must be a Fully qualified domain name.


bash <(curl -sSL
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