Version: 0.3.7
Released on September 25, 2024
🚀 New features
- Advanced editor option is added to the DNS Zone Editor and allows users to directly edit/import the DNS zone file for domain.
- Advanced Editor option is added to CronJob Editor and allows users to directly edit/import crontab file.
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fixed bug #193 - WebTerminal iframe not shown when force domain is set on OpenPanel
- Fixed bug with edit button on 'OpenPanel > Websites' not fetching data from the database.
- Fixed bug with remote access to MariaDB databases failing due to defaults defined in
. - Fixed bug Failed to create user: /bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: ")" unexpected #96.
- Fixed error loading 'OpenAdmin > Dashboard' page on servers with AMD cpu.
- Fixed bug with PHP.INI editor not saving changes
- Fixed bug with custom SSL not saving
- Fixed 500 error on 'OpenPanel > Resource Usage History' when user has no stats directory created.
- Fixed javascript error on 'OpenPanel > Disk Usage' page.
- Fixed javascript error on 'OpenPanel > Resource Usage' when page is accessed multiple times that caused gauges not to display.
- Fixed bug #92 - php install via OpenPanel gui works only after refresh
💅 Polish
- Support for QUIC and HTTP/3 - automatically enabled for new domains that use SSL.
- Improvements to the 'OpenAdmin > Services' table to avoid confusiuon for new users.
- FTP sub-accounts are now restricted to their designated directories and are in the same group as OpenPanel user, allowing them to access and edit files without issues.
- Added browser validation and password generation to OpenPanel > FTP Accounts > Change password form.
- DNS zone edits will now verify the serial number on each save. If the zone has been modified by another user or program in the meantime, editing records will be disabled to ensure safety.
- WordPress AutoInstaller will no longer remove archives after extraction, instead keep and reuse them for future installations.
- phpMyAdmin is now accessible via both the domain name and the server's IP address. Users can enable /phpmyadmin on any domain by running the following command:
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /home/USERNAME/DOMAIN/phpmyadmin
. When accessed through DOMAIN/phpmyadmin, a login form will appear, allowing the user to log in with any MySQL credentials. When accessed through IP:PORT via the OpenPanel interface, the user will be automatically logged in and granted access to all databases. - Symlinks are now supported in the FileManager.
- Improvements to the 'OpenPanel > Services Status' page: view is changed from columns to table, and user will only view services that Administrator enabled in the enabled_modules.
- Caching is added to OpenAdmin interface - decreasing resource usage by the service up to 20%.
- On OpenAdmin interface, all hardcoded links are now replaced with Flask static files so that custom static folder can be defined in the future versions.
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