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Version: 0.3.7


Released on July 16, 2024

🚀 New features

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs on OpenAdmin > Users > Profile and OpenPanel > Dashboard with disk usage information not displayed when overlay2 storage driver is used.
  • Fixed bug with File Watcher service causing infinite OpenAdmin service restart on Ubuntu24.
  • Fixed bug with File Watcher service failing to generate SSL for new nginx conf files.
  • Fixed bug with OpenAdmin > Firewall > Blacklists (IPsets) causing ufw reload command to fail - reported by @f1lk3.
  • Fixed bug with opencli config update command not restarting OpenPanel docker container *(introduced in OpenPanel 0.2.1).
  • Fixed bug with redis installation failing due to "noble" lsb_release added in Redis Stack.
  • Fixed error 'Error stoping service panel: Failed to stop panel.service: Unit panel.service not loaded.' when managing panel service from OpenAdmin > Dashboard page.
  • Fixed bug with opencli admin notifications not saving resource usage tresholds.

💅 Polish

  • OpenPanel > WPManager > Install WordPress form now has prefilled email address.
  • All modals on OpenPanel > File Manager now autofocus the input buttons.
  • When new domain is added, OpenPanel will automatically check SSL for all other doamins owned by the user and regenerate the ssl information for OpenPanel > SSL page.
  • OpenCLI improvements, history and logging
  • Widgets on OpenAdmin Dashboard: Usage, Quick Start, Latest News and CPU can now be dismissed.

Mautic Autoinstaller

Mautic ManagerMautic Auto-installer
mautic managermautic installer

The Mautic autoinstaller is now available, offering the following features:

  • Install the latest 10 versions of Mautic
  • Automatically create and remove cron jobs
  • Backup files and/or database
  • Restore files and/or database
  • Check Mautic, PHP, and MySQL versions
  • Display file sizes
  • Generate daily PageSpeed reports
  • View database login information
  • Remove Mautic from the manager
  • Uninstall Mautic

Note: Auto-login is not currently supported. According to Mautic documentation, you need to manually enable HTTP authentication or set up OAuth first.

Upcoming features on the to-do list include:

  • Viewing email statistics from Mautic
  • Checking for and running updates
  • Viewing and editing settings for outgoing emails
  • Clear cache

Mautic Manager is disabled by default. To enable it, navigate to OpenAdmin > OpenPanel Settings. enable mautic on openadmin

Usage Reports

If email alerts are enabled, daily usage reports are generated:

daily usage report


Added an option to run a shared phpMyAdmin service accessible on a custom domain, allowing login for all MySQL users of OpenPanel. This service contradicts OpenPanel's usual setup where each user has independent services, but it was requested by a few users, so we decided to implement it. It remains disabled by default.

To enable the shared phpMyAdmin service, first set the URL where it will be accessible. For example:

opencli config update pma_url

Then enable the phpMyAdmin service for all users:

opencli phpmyadmin --enable

This will start the phpMyAdmin service, configure an nginx reverse proxy for the domain, and generate an SSL certificate if using HTTPS.


To disable the service:

opencli phpmyadmin --disable

If enabled, the auto-login option from OpenPanel will no longer work. Instead, each user must use a username and password to log in to phpMyAdmin.

NOTE: OpenPanel user must enable RemoteMySQL for his mysql users to be able to use the phpMyAdmin service.

If this shared service is enabled, we recommend removing phpmyadmin from the Dockerfiles and rebuilding the images. This will save you up to 250MB per OpenPanel user.

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