Version: 0.3.7
Released on October 25, 2024
🚀 New features
- Option to email the login information to new users.
- PIP and NPM install can now be executed by user from 'OpenPanel > SiteManager'.
opencli websites-scan
command to add existing WordPress installations for users to the Site Manager.
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fixed #207 - Autologin button broken on :2083/wordpress page
- Fixed #209 - Clam AV doesn't work
- Fixed #210 - Backup destinations failing validation
- Fixed #211 - Front validation needed for domains
- Fixed #222 - disabling widgets disables all enabled modules
- Fixed #223 - 2FA still exits in panel even it's disabled from modules
- Fixed #212 - CSS styling error of Panel tools
- Fixed #221 - Disable/Enable panel modules need openpanel restart
- Fixed #218 - Editing vhost files gives the error
- Fixed #231 - Error during user deletion via terminal
- Fixed #227 - Incorectly representing plans OS image
- Fixed #228 - Can't edit different format file types in file manager
- Fixed #206 - DNS Zone editor allows duplicate CNAME records
- Fixed bug with displaying actual CPU% on 'OpenPanel > Dashboard' and 'OpenPanel > Resource Usage'.
- Fixed bug displaying CMS-type instalaltions count on 'OpenPanel > Auto Installer'.
- Fixed bug with double
on certain api endpoints. - Fixed css bug with notifications toasts on 'OpenAdmin > Services Status' when dark theme is used.
- Fixed bug with
being set as strings on 'OpenPanel > SiteManager > site > Debugging'. - Fixed bug with leftover row in 'OpenPanel > Applications' when application is deleted from the interface.
- Fixed typos on OpenPanel > Elasticsearch, Memcached and REDIS pages.
- Fixed bug with
opencli update_check
interpreting Cloudflare status code 521 as a version. - Fixed bug with
opencli report --public
failing to upload to - Fixed broken image for MariaDB on 'OpenPanel > Services Status'.
- Fixed js bug
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getAttribute')
on 'OpenPanel > SiteManager > site'. - Fixed validation error
Pattern attribute value [^'\ is not a valid regular expression: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /[^'\/v: \ at end of pattern (anonymous) @ users_add.js?v=0.39:5
on 'OpenAdmin > Users > Add New User' form. - Fixed bug on install script with random generated username over 20 characters limit.
- Fixed bug with cached logs on 'OpenAdmin > Services > Log Viewer'.
- Fixed error on
opencli user-sudo
💅 Polish
- Redesigned OpenPanel login page.
- Pages added to OpenAdmin search based on enabled modules.
- Automatically retrieve cPanel backup name on 'OpenAdmin > Users > Import'.
- Improvements to the 'OpenAdmin > License' page.
files can now be edited with OpenPanel > file editor.- Enhancements to the cPanel import script: support for importing: wp instalaltions, domlogs, ssh password, notification preferences, account creationdate, locale.
- 'OpenPanel > Dashboard' statistics widget will now also display ppan limits and current number of FTP and email accounts.
- Redesigned OpenPanel login page.
- Administrators can now set limit for emails and ftp accounts per plan.
- Improvements to Python applications in 'OpenPanel > SiteManager'.
- Improvements to Flarum applications in 'OpenPanel > SiteManager'.
- PHP.ini save button result window needed #213
- Optimized installation process for python applications.
- Enhancements to the 'OpenPanel > File Editor': the Monaco editor, automatic syntax highlighting, code suggestions, autocomplete functionality, scroll to specific lines and save files to favorites for quick access.
- Notification preferences are added for new user accounts.
- Generate report on 'OpenAdmin > Settings > OpenAdmin' will now display file path if uploading report to is not successful.
- The OpenPanel login page will now show specific error messages depending on the following scenarios: if the user does not exist, if the user is suspended, if the password is incorrect, or if the MySQL server is down.
- Dismissed admin dashboard widgets will now be perserved during updates.
- ClamAV service is now also dockerized and added to list of monitored services.
- Log is now automatically scrolled to bottom on 'OpenAdmin > Users > Add New User'.
- Security tab is hidden on 'OpenPanel > SiteManager > site'.
- Enable/disable of malware scanner from 'OpenAdmin > Settings > OpenPanel' will now immeditely edit the openpanel service to start clamav.
- Default port 3000 is now removed from 'OpenPanel > Applications > New' form.
pm2 save
is now run automatically after removing NodeJS/Python applications from 'OpenPanel > Applications'.- hosting_plan_name is removed from the OpenPanel sidebar menu.
- CPU Usage widget on 'OpenPanel > Dashboard' will now display total number of CPU% allocated to the user and total CPU cores.
- Optimized mysql queries on 'OpenPanel > Databases, Domains, Mautic, WordPress' pages.
- Outgoing port
is now automatically opened on new installations. flarum
module is now enabled by default for new installations.opencli plans-create
now requires ftp and emails count to be set.- Alerts in user interface are now replaced with toasts.
- Characters limit for OpenAdmin username is now increased from 20 to 30 characters.
- 'OpenAdmin > Services > Docker' will now display error message if docker socket is not reachable.
- Changes to the opencli plan-edit.
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