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Version: 0.3.7

OpenAdmin Users

The admin panel has two user roles:

Super AdminHas unrestricted privileges, created on OpenPanel installation.
AdminCan not edit the SuperAdmin user, created from OpenAdmin or OpenCLI.

Manage Admin users

Use Settings > OpenAdmin page to manage admin users that can access OpenAdmin interface:

openadmin admin users

Reset Admin Password

To reset admin password click on the Edit button for that user from Settings > OpenAdmin page, then set the new password.

openadmin admin password

Create new Admin

To create new admin user click on the 'New' button in Settings > OpenAdmin page, set the username and password and click on Save.

openadmin admin new

Rename Admin user

To rename an Admin user, select the user on Settings > OpenAdmin page and click on the Edit button and set new username.

openadmin admin rename

Suspend Admin user

To suspend an Admin user, select the user on Settings > OpenAdmin page and click on the Edit button, then uncheck the Active status.

openadmin admin suspend

To unsuspend an Admin user, select the user on Settings > OpenAdmin page and click on the Edit button, then Unsuspend.

Delete Admin user

Select the user on Settings > OpenAdmin page and click on the delete button then confirm.

openadmin admin delete


The Super Admin user can not be deleted.