Version: 0.3.7
Domains page displays all domains currently hosted on server.
List domains
- With OpenAdmin
- With OpenCLI
To list all current domains navigate to Domains page:
Field | Description |
ID | ID of the domain in database. |
Domain Name | The domain name. |
Owner | User that added the domain. |
DNS Zone | View and edit DNS zone for domain. |
Virtual Hosts | View and edit Nginx configuration for a domain. |
Access Logs | View live access log for the domain. |
Visitors Report | Total number of domain names allowed per user on the plan. |
To list all current domains run:
opencli domains-all
Example output:
opencli domains-all
Add domain
- With OpenAdmin
- With OpenCLI
Domains can only be added from the user interface.
To create a new plan run the following command:
opencli domains-add <DOMAIN_NAME> <USERNAME> [--debug]
root@stefan:/usr/local/admin# opencli domains-add wzs11p2i --debug
Checking if domain already exists on the server
Adding to the domains database
Purging cached list of domains for the account
Creating document root directory /home/wzs11p2i/
Checking webserver configuration
Checking if default vhosts file exists for Nginx
Checking IPv4 address for the account
Creating /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Restarting nginx to apply changes
Creating vhosts proxy file for Nginx
Webserver is running, reloading configuration
Creating DNS zone file: /etc/bind/zones/
DNS service is running, adding the zone
Adding the newly created zone file to the DNS server
Checking and setting nginx service to automatically start on reboot
Starting service for the default PHP version 8.2
Checking and setting PHP service to automatically start on reboot
Checking and starting the ssl generation service
Starting Let'sEncrypt SSL generation in background
Domain added successfully
Move domain
This is currently not possible.
Delete domain
Domains can currently be deleted only from the user interface.
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