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Version: 0.3.7


Edit nameservers, disable features and more.

openadmin openpanel settings

The OpenPanel Settings page allows you to edit settings and features available to users in their OpenPanel interface.


To set a custom name visible in the OpenPanel sidebar and on login pages, enter the desired name in the "Brand name" option. Alternatively, to display a logo instead, provide the URL in the "Logo image" field and save the changes.

Set nameservers

Before adding any domains its important to first create nameservers so that added domains will have valid dns zone files and be able to propagate.

Configuring nameservers involves two steps:

  1. Create private nameservers (glue DNS records) for the domain through your domain registry.
  2. Add the nameservers into the OpenPanel configuration.

Here are tutorials for some popular domain providers:

To add nameservers from OpenAdmin navigate to Settings > OpenPanel and set nameservers in ns1 and ns2 fields and click on save:

openpanel add nameservers

Or from terminal run commands:

opencli config update ns1
opencli config update ns2

After creating nameservers it can take up to 12h for the records to be globally accessible. Use a tool such as to monitor the status.

If you still experience problems after the propagation process, then please check this guide: dns server not responding to requests.

Enable Features

Administrators have the ability to enable or disable each feature (page) in the OpenPanel interface. To activate a feature, select it in the "Enable Features" section and click save. The change is immediate and restarts OpenPanel service.

Once enabled, the feature becomes instantly available to all users, appearing in the OpenPanel interface sidebar, search results, and dashboard icons.

openpanel enable modules


DNS feature enables the Domains > Edit DNS Zone feature for users to edit DNS records.


Notifications allows users to edit their Notifications Preferences and receive emails.


Favorites allows users to bookmark pages to Favorites.


The phpMyAdmin feature allows users to access phpMyAdmin with automatic login directly from the OpenPanel interface. When enabled, links to phpMyAdmin are added for each website in the SiteManager and for every database on the Databases page.

The temporary_links feature adds a 'Preview' button to websites in the SiteManager allowing users to preview their site using a temporary subdomain for 15 minutes. This is useful for testing when the domain's DNS is not yet pointed to the server or when the domain lacks an SSL certificate.


SSH feature enables the SSH page where users can enable/disable remote SSH access, view ssh port and change root password.


Crons feature enables the Cronjobs page where users can edit cronjobs via interface or directly edit the crontab file via text editor.


Backups feature enables users to access the Files > Backups page where they can view current backups, restore or download them.


WordPress feature adds WordPress to the AutoInstaller and allows users to manage WordPress websites using the SiteManager interface.


PM2 feature adds NodeJS and Python Applications to the AutoInstaller and allows users to manage Python/NodeJS websites using the SiteManager interface.


Mautic feature adds Mautic to the AutoInstaller and allows users to manage Mautic websites from the SiteManager interface.


Flarum feature adds Flarum to the AutoInstaller and allows users to manage WordPress websites from the SiteManager interface.


Redis feature enables the REDIS page where users can view REDIS port (6379), view logs, set memory limits and enable/disable service.


Memcached feature enables the Memcached page where users can view Memcached port (11211), view logs, set memory limits and enable/disable service.


Memcached feature enables the ElasticSearch page where users can view ElasticSearch port (9200), view logs, set memory limits and enable/disable service.

Resource Usage

usage feature enables the Resource Usage page where users can view real-time information about the server's CPU and RAM usage.


terminal feature enables the WebTerminal page where users can open web terminal or create a temporary session for 3rd parties.


Services feature enables the Server > Services Status page where users can view their installed services, their current status and versions.

Configuration Editor

webserver feature enables the Server > Nginx/Apache Configuration Editor page where users can edit the main configuration file for their webserver. Users with Nginx can edit nginx.conf file and users with Apache webserver edit the apache2.conf file.

Process Manager

process_manager feature enables the Advanced > Process Manager page where users can view all running processes and kill (force stop the process).

IP Blocker

ip_blocker feature enables the IP Blocker page where users can block IP addresses per domain name.

Login History

login_history feature enables the Account > Login History page where users can view up to 10 last logins.

Activity Log

activity feature enables the Account > Activity page where users can view their activity log.


twofa feature enables the Account > Two-Factor Authentication page where users can enable or disable 2FA for enhanced security.

Domain Visitors

domains_visitors feature enables the Analytics > Domain Visitors page where users can view generated HTML reports from their domains access logs.

Disk Usage

disk_usage feature enables the Files > Disk Usage page where users can view disk usage per directory.

Inodes Explorer

inodes feature enables the Files > Inodes Explorer page where users can view their number of inodes per directory.

Fix Permissions

fix_permissions feature enables the Files > Fix Permissions page where users can fix permissions and ownership issues per directory.


FTP feature adds Files > FTP page which allows users to create and manage FTP accounts.

Malware Scanner

malware_scan feature adds Malware Scanner page to the Files section, where user can scan files using the ClamAV® scanner.

Other settings

Additional settings available in the Settings > OpenPanel page include:

  • Logout URL: Set the URL for redirecting users upon logout from the OpenPanel.
  • Avatar Type: Choose to display Gravatar, Letter, or Icon as avatars for users.
  • Resource Usage Charts: Opt to display 1, 2, or no charts on the Resource Usage page.
  • Default PHP Version: Specify the default PHP version for domains added by users (users can override this setting).
  • Enable Password Reset: Activate password reset on login forms (not recommended).
  • Display 2FA Nag: Show a message in users' dashboards encouraging them to set up 2FA for added security.
  • Display How-to Guides: Display how-to articles for users in their dashboard pages.
  • Login Records: Set the number of login records to keep for each user.
  • Activities per Page: Specify the number of activity items to display per page.
  • Usage per Page: Specify the number of Resource Usage items to display per page.
  • Usage Retention: Set the number of Resource Usage items to keep for each user.
  • Domains per Page: Specify the number of domains to display per page.