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Version: 0.3.7

OpenPanel Users

OpenPanel has a single user role named User that can only manage their docker container and inherits settings specified by the Admin user.

List Users

To access all OpenPanel users, navigate to OpenAdmin > Users.

The Users page displays a table showcasing each user's Gravatar linked to their email address, username, assigned IP Address, hosting plan name, creation date of the account, a login link enabling user impersonation, and manage button to get detailed user overview.

openadmin users page

Suspended users are highlighted in red, and no actions can be performed on a suspended user.

Create Users

To create a new user, click on the 'New User' button on the Users page. A new section will be displayed with a form where you can set the email address, username, generate a strong password, and assign a hosting plan for the user.

openadmin users add new

  • The OpenPanel username must be 3 to 16 characters long and can only contain letters and numbers.
  • The OpenPanel password must be 6 to 30 characters long and can include any characters except for single quotes (') and double quotes (").

Reset User Password

To reset password for a user click on the Edit dropdown in table for that user in OpenAdmin > Users or from the individual User page click on "Edit information" and set the new password in the Password field then save.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users reset password step 1openadmin users reset password step 2

Detailed User Information

To view detailed information about a user, click on their Gravatar, username or the Manage button in the users table.

openadmin manage user button

This page shows detailed information about the account and provides tools to manage it.

openadmin users single user view

The username is displayed at the top, along with the status of the Docker container for the user. Colors indicate whether the user is suspended or if the Docker container has encountered an error. Next to the username, there are buttons that allow you to suspend/unsuspend the user, delete the user, a configure button to edit user settings inside their Docker container, and a 'Login as user' button that automatically logs you into their OpenPanel interface.

openadmin users single user buttons

There are 4 widgets on top of the page:

openadmin users single user view 2

  • CPU Usage: Shows the current CPU usage of all processes by the user, represented in percentage with color indicators.
  • Memory Usage: Displays the current memory usage of the Docker container, represented in percentage with color indicators.
  • Disk Usage: Shows the current disk usage of the user's Docker container, represented in percentage with color indicators.
  • IP Address: Displays the public IPv4 address for the user, indicating whether the user has a Dedicated IP address assigned.

The next section is divided into two parts: tabs and widgets.

There are 6 tabs that allow you to view relevant information about the user's Docker container:


openadmin users single user view docker_tab

The Docker tab displays information about the Docker container for the user, including:

  • Server: Server on which the container is running.
  • Private IP: Private IP address within the plan network that the container is using.
  • ID: Unique container ID for that user container.
  • Memory Allocated: RAM allocated to the user container (can be manually extended even beyond the plan limit).
  • CPU: Number of CPU cores allocated to the container (can also be increased outside the plan limits).
  • Docker Image: The name of the image (Nginx or Apache) that the container is using and the OS in the image (Debian or Ubuntu).
  • Hostname: Hostname that the user sees via SSH in their Docker container (same as your server name).
  • Exposed Ports: Ports inside the Docker container that accept incoming connections (e.g., ports for SSH, MySQL, REDIS, Apache).
  • Container Created: Timestamp when the container was started (may be different from the account creation date).

Disk Usage

Disk Usage section displays real-time disk usage for a user:

  • /home/username is used for all website files that user uploads to their home directory.
  • /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/.. is the total file system that the user's Docker container is limited to; this includes the OS itself, system services, databases, logs, etc.

openadmin users single user view du


The Websites tab will display all domains and websites that the user has inside their Docker container.

  • Domains table showcases information such as domain name, root directory, and links to view the access log for the domain, edit DNS records, and edit the VirtualHost file for Nginx associated with the domain.
  • Websites table displays the website URL, type (WordPress, Node.js, or Python), CMS version, and the time when the user installed or added it to the Site Manager interface.

openadmin users single user view websites tab

To view access log for a domain click on the 'View Access Log' link:

openadmin users single user view domain access log

To view and edit DNS zone for a domain, click on the 'DNS Zone' link:

openadmin users single user view domain dns zone

To view and edit Nginx configuration for a domain, click on the 'VirtualHosts' link:

openadmin users single user view domain vhosts file


The Services tab displays a list of all services installed inside the user's Docker container, along with their current status. You have options to start, stop, or restart a service.

openadmin users single user view services tab

Services can be pre-installed in a Docker image, which is recommended for production to reduce the disk usage required for idle user accounts. Alternatively, they can be installed later by an administrator or by a user with granted sudo access.


The Backups tab displays a list of all available backups for the user account, showcasing backup content and sizes.

openadmin users single user view backups tab


The Usage tab will display Docker container stats for the user, including CPU usage, memory percentage used at that moment, network I/O, and total block I/O. This information is the same to what users can view from OpenPanel > Resource Usage.

openadmin users single user view usage tab


The Activity tab shows the user's account activity log, providing the same information users can view from OpenPanel > Account Activity page.

openadmin users single user view activity tab

General information

General information widget displays the general information about the user and their container:

openadmin users single user view general info

  • User ID: Unique ID for the user account.
  • Email Address: Current email address for the user.
  • Two Factor: Indicates whether 2FA is enabled by the user.
  • Hosting Plan: Name of the hosting plan assigned to the user.
  • IP Address: Public IPv4 address for the user.
  • Server Location: Flag and country name indicating the geolocation of the IP address.
  • Private IP: Private IP address for the Docker container used in internal networking.
  • Setup Date: Date when the user account was created.
  • Domains: Number of domains that the user has added.
  • Websites: Number of websites that the user has added.

To edit any information for the user, click on the 'Edit Information' link, and a new modal will be displayed where you can change the username, email, plan, IP, or password.

openadmin users single user edit_info_tab


The Ports widget displays all ports published in the user's Docker container and corresponding randomly generated ports for the user on the host server machine.

openadmin users single user ports_tab

Suspend User

Suspending an account will immediately disable the user's access to the OpenPanel. This action involves pausing the user's Docker container and revoking access to their email, website, and other associated services. Please be aware of the immediate impact before proceeding.

To suspend a user click on the Suspend button on that user page and click on 'Suspend' on the confirmation modal.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users suspend step 1openadmin users suspend step 2

Unsuspend User

To unsuspend a user click on the Unsuspend button for that user.

openadmin users add new

Rename Username

To Rename a user, click on the 'Edit Information' link for the user, then change the address in 'Username' field and click on 'Save changes'.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users change username step 1openadmin users change username step 2

Change Email address

To change email address for a user, click on the 'Edit Information' link for the user, then change the address in 'Email address' field and click on 'Save changes'.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users change email step 1openadmin users change email step 2

Change IP address for User

To change IP address for a user, click on the 'Edit Information' link for the user, then select the new IP address and click on 'Save changes'.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users change ip address step 1openadmin users change ip address step 2

Grant Sudo Access

To allow users to install new services and have unrestricted access inside their container, click on the 'Configuration' button for the user, then check the 'Sudo Access' option.

This will allow user to use the su - command and switch to root user inside their container.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users grant sudo step 1openadmin users grant sudo step 2

Delete User

To delete a user click on the delete button for that user, then type 'delete' in the confirmation modal and finally click on the 'Terminate' button.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin users delete step 1openadmin users deletes step 2

This action is irreversible and will permanently delete all user data.