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Version: 0.3.7

Hosting Plans

Hosting plans outline the available services and limitations for users. Docker images specify the pre-installed services for a plan. Enabled Features determine which pages users can access from the OpenPanel interface.

List hosting plans

To list existing plans navigate to Plans page:

openadmin list plans

IDUnique ID for the plan.
Plan NameDisplay name that users will see in their OpenPanel dashboards.
DescriptionVisible only to administrators.
ImageName of the Docker image used when creating new accounts on the plan.
Docker SizeDisk space allocated for the user's container .
StorageDisk space allocated for user's websites files (/home/user/ directory).
DomainsTotal number of domain names allowed per user on the plan.
WebsitesTotal number of websites (WordPress, NodeJS, Python) per user on the plan.
DatabasesTotal number of MySQL databases allowed per user on the plan.
CPUNumber of CPU cores dedicated to the user on this hosting plan.
RAMPhysical Memory (RAM) in GB allocated to the user on this hosting plan.
Port SpeedMaximum post speed for users in mbit/s.
Inodes Limit(DEPRECATED) Limits the total number of files allowed in the container.

Create a plan

To create a new hosting plan click on the 'Create new plan' button and set the desired limits for the plan.

openadmin create new plan

Change user plan

Please visit this page

Modify plan

To change plan limits click on the edit button for the plan and set the new limits.

Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin edit plan step 1openadmin edit plan step 2

The new limits will be applied immediately to all accounts.

List Users on Plan

To view all users that are currently using a hosting plan, simply sort the users table by that plan name, or in the search fields type the plan name.

Delete Plan

To delete a hosting plan click on the delete button next to the plan name.
Step 1.Step 2.
openadmin delete plan step 1openadmin delete plan step 2

NOTE: Plan can not be deleted if it has users assigned.